How therapy with us works.

You need support, we are here to give it.

Whatever you are going through, our team of therapists are here to help and support you throughout your journey. From healing individual and group therapy sessions, to delivering trauma-informed yoga therapy – we are here to help you in every stage :



A lot happens between the time you recognize you need support, to that first session with your therapist. We see the strength it takes just to acknowledge you are struggling. To get so far as landing on this website means that intuitive voice inside you knows that you deserve relief. Your TRUE self is showing up bravely to reach out to a perfect stranger for help. Damn, that’s some big stuff worth celebrating! 

We are here to support you on your journey to discover peace within by way of individual counseling, couples counseling, or group counseling services. Schedule a free consultation to determine which option is right for you.



Schedule a free 15-20 minute consultation with our Client Care Coordinator, Leah All consultation appointments are conducted via phone call from our number: 720.772.8432. Please unblock that number so it is not considered spam. Please be in a private, quiet space so that you can share openly.

Consultations provide a time for you to get answers to all of your questions like “how can my therapist help me?” “how much does this cost?” “how often will we need to meet” “when, where will we meet?” and ask any other questions you may have about the process.

Leah will ask questions to get a brief sense of what’s bringing you to therapy at this time “what are your goals?” “what do you hope to address?” “what do you hope to get out of this process?” etc. These calls give her a chance to get to know you so that she can recommend the Discover Peace Within therapist best suited to meet your needs. Leah can then schedule your first appointment with your Discover Peace WIthin therapist.

Finding the right fit with your therapist is like dating! You’re not going to mesh well with everyone, so spending time getting to know a therapist can be really beneficial. If after your first session you don’t think this therapist will be a good fit, reach back out to our team and we can connect you with someone else. This can feel like you are interviewing potential therapists… because you are! 

This is incredibly important because the therapist/client relationship is so different from any other relationship you have in your life. It’s gotta feel safe, comfortable, and trusting. We promise, you will get WAY more out of therapy if you feel safe and comfortable with your therapist.



Prior to your first counseling session, you will complete a set of consent forms and an intake questionnaire. This allows you time to review our policies and come to your appointment with any questions.

Completing your intake questionnaire prior to your session gives your therapist time to learn more about you. Feel free to write as little or as much as you want in your intake questionnaire - your therapist will go over it with you over the first handful of sessions as she gets to know you.



Meet for your intake appointment! Whether it’s in person or virtual, you therapist will review her practice policies and procedures, and you’ll begin to go over your intake questionnaire together.

Connecting with you is SUPER important to your therapist but don’t expect to go through your entire story in this meeting. You have decades of stories and moments, along with a multitude of challenges and celebrations to share. Don’t feel pressure to tell your whole life story in one setting. Getting to know you takes time and we appreciate knowing all parts and sides of you – hopefully through this process of us getting to know you, you’ll also get to know yourself on a deeper level.



Therapy usually happens weekly - especially at first. This helps build momentum as your therapist gets to know you. It can feel awkward to talk to a complete stranger about your deepest, darkest hopes, dreams, challenges, fears, and traumas. That’s why coming weekly can be so helpful. You will start to get into a rhythm as you get to know your therapist, and as she gets to know you.

Your therapist is there to hold space for you - all parts of you. It’s helpful to share about your struggles in the present day (day-to-day stuff) as well as dive into your family, childhood, and life story. Sometimes sessions will feel really heavy (some clients call it a “therapy hangover”) and other times, they’ll feel light and celebratory. Some sessions will focus more on finding solutions and strategies to try to help make life a bit easier, and some sessions will focus on healing wounds from the past.

You and your therapist will continually assess how the flow of therapy is going, what’s helpful to you, what you need more of/less of, and where you are headed in your work together.

Are there situations keeping you from seeking help?

Resource availability means having enough time or money.

We understand the demands of your busy schedule and the financial constraints you may be experiencing. However, at Discover Peace Within, we firmly believe that prioritizing your inner peace and well-being is crucial. By dedicating time to therapy, you have the opportunity to make a substantial positive impact on your life. Consider it an investment in yourself, where you can benefit from our extensive expertise and wealth of knowledge gained through years of experience.

First time in therapy.

Starting therapy can be scary and uncertain, filled with doubts and hesitations. But it's important to clear up some misconceptions. Therapy isn't just for "crazy people." It's a valuable resource for anyone whose mental health is affecting their daily life. It offers support, guidance, and tools for improving overall well-being. It's not a quick fix, but a personalized journey toward your goals. Therapy provides a non-judgmental space where you can be open and vulnerable, knowing you're not alone on the path to healing and self-growth.

Therapy stigma.

At Discover Peace Within, we know that sometimes it's hard to talk about your problems because you might feel ashamed or scared. But don't worry, we're here to support you, not judge you. Our main goal is to help you be kinder to yourself. We understand that there might be topics you're nervous to talk about, and you don't have to share them right away. We want to earn your trust first, so we can help you with your worries and guide you toward a happy life that you truly deserve.

Hard to face pain directly.

Learning to trust someone while dealing with pain, such as PTSD, trauma, or fears, is difficult. You might feel ashamed or responsible for what has happened, or be anxious about discussing your past trauma right away. Our priority is your comfort, and we will establish a trusting relationship before delving into any distressing events. As experts in trauma, we possess a wide range of tools and experience to assist you. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and we offer multiple treatment options to ensure we find the right one for you. We are here to help you overcome all types of trauma, big or small, in order to alleviate your suffering.

Your mental health is important.
It’s time to invest in yourself.

At Discover Peace Within, we offer a free 20 minute consultation to all new and incoming clients. If you are ready to dive in and achieve real healing, please reach out to us today.